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The (African) Arab Cup
Africa is a Country - November 2023
Gnawa Mirror: Race, Music, and the "Imperialism of Categories"
International Journal of Middle East Studies - September 2023
Moulay Ismail and the Mumbo Jumbo: Black Morocco Revisited
Islamophobia Studies Journal - September 2023
Egypt and the Afrocentrists: The latest round
Africa is a Country - April 2022
And the Twain Shall Meet: Connecting Africa and the Middle East
POMEPS Studies 40 - Africa and the Middle East: Beyond the Divides - June 2020
Paul Bowles et « le mythe de Tanger »
Orient XXI, February 2021
So Why Did I Defend Paul Bowles
New York Review of Books - December 2019
Du Bois, Ghana and Cairo Jazz: The Geo-Politics of Malcom X
in Olivia Rutazibwa and Robbie Shilliam eds., The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics (Routledge 2018)
Juan Goytisolo: Tangier, Havana and the Treasonous Intellectual
Middle East Report (MERIP), 282 - Spring 2017
The Grand (Hip-Hop) Chessboard: Race, Rap and Raison d'Etat
Middle East Report (MERIP), 260 - Fall 2011
Privatization and Exclusion in Redeploying the State: Corporatism, NeoLiberalism and Coalition Politics in Egypt and Mexico (Palgrave 2009)
The Founding Moment: Elite Conflict, Coalition Formation, and Regime Consolidation in Redeploying the State: Corporatism, NeoLiberalism and Coalition Politics in Egypt and Mexico (Palgrave 2009)
The Politics of Privatization in Redeploying the State: Corporatism, NeoLiberalism and Coalition Politics in Egypt and Mexico (Palgrave 2009)
The Interference of al-Andalus: Spain, Islam and the West
Social Text (2006) 24 (2 (87)): 67–88
Slavery, Genocide and the Politics of Outrage Understanding the New Racial Olympics
Middle East Report (MERIP), 234 - Spring 2005
Let Us Be Moors
Middle East Report (MERIP), 229 - Winter 2003
Jihadis in the Hood
Middle East Report (MERIP), 224 - Fall 2002

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